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Mobile Fluorograph complex

It is intended for carrying out mass x-ray inspections of all categories of the population for the purpose of early detection of tuberculosis and other diseases of bodies of a thorax out of stationary medical institutions. As the medical equipment the low dose digital FTsOI-7 photofluorograph is used.

Complex mobile "Female health"

It is intended for mass radiological inspection of women for the purpose of early detection of cancer or other diseases of a mammary gland out of stationary medical institutions. As the medical equipment the MADIS digital mammographer is used.

Complex mobile "Radiographic diagnostics"

It is intended for carrying out mass x-ray inspections of all categories of the population for the purpose of early detection of tuberculosis and other diseases of bodies of a thorax, and also mass radiological inspection of women for the purpose of early detection of cancer or other diseases of a mammary gland out of stationary medical institutions. As the medical equipment the digital FTsOI-7 photofluorograph and the MADIS digital mammographer are used.

Complexes are useful:

  • at factorines
  • in educational institutions
  • in military units
  • in rural areas
  • in penal institutions
  • in refugee camps, etc.

Transport base of complexes: PAZ-32053, PAZ-3204, PAZ-4234, PAZ-320412 buses. Medical complexes are equipped with the effective life support system including power supply, heating, ventilation, conditioning and water supply.

The choice of the planning scheme on a complex is possible:

  • one-zonal (standard) scheme of planning of a complex;
  •  one-zonal scheme with the increased capacity;
  • two-zonal scheme with division of zones on "pure-dirty".

Advantages of a mobile medical complex:

  • High capacity (to 400 people in change);
  • Convenient entrance exit (for people of advanced age and children);
  • Existence of a soft "bus suspension bracket" increases service life of the medical equipment to 70%;
  • Possibility of transportation to 6 people of medical personnel in a complex;
  • Existence in a model range of all-wheel drive modification;
  • Wide network guarantee and service.

For obtaining additional technical information we ask to address the producer of mobile medical complexes on the chassis of PAZs buses - LLC NPO Avtomedkompleks: 

www.amkmed.ru, e-mail: tdvorsma@mts-nn.ru

ph. (83171) 6-57-00, 6-59-77, 6-63-33, 3-51-51